Life-Changing Lessons I’ve Learned From The Most Unlucky People In The World!

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Most people think that good things come to those who wait, but not true. The truth is that good things come to those who hustle and those who are persistent. Life is not fair and neither is a success. If you want to be successful then you must work and work hard. The difference between winners and losers is the grinders.

What I am trying to teach you is to never give up and keep grinding until you achieve your goal. It may sound simple but it’s not. You see, giving up is a normal human reaction when things get tough. But winners don’t give up; they keep on fighting and they keep on working till they achieve their goal.

You know what? I have learned more about life from the most unlucky people in the world than all the self-help books and motivational tapes combined. These people have been dealt the worst hand possible in life and yet they somehow manage to eke out an existence for themselves. They are extremely resilient and they always find a way to make the most out of what they have. Their mindset is different from the rest of the world; they don’t live life according to the rules but rather they create their own set of rules and go by those.

Here are some life lessons that I have learned from the most unfortunate people on earth:

– Don’t look for the positives in every situation, that only gives you a false sense of security. Always be on the lookout for the negatives, they are there for a purpose.

– People will do and say anything to keep you down. Don’t let them succeed in their mission.

– The most important thing you can do for yourself is…

– Stop waiting for things to happen and make them happen.

– The biggest mistakes we make in life are because we don’t listen to our own advice. We all know what we should do (at least we think we do), but we fail to act on that knowledge.

– Never trust anyone who says he doesn’t have any goals. That’s a lie. Everyone has goals; it’s just that some people are honest about them and some people aren’t. You can always tell who is lying and who isn’t by the goals they openly admit to and the ones they deny.

– It is far better to apologize for something you’ve already done than it is to ask permission for something you want to do.

– If you are going to make a big change in your life then make sure it is for the right reasons. Don’t make changes just because everyone else is doing it or because it’s “the cool thing to do.” If you do that then you will end up hating the change and you will regret it for the rest of your life.

– Always be on the lookout for new opportunities. Don’t get bogged down with the minutia of everyday life.

– People who sit around waiting for things to happen usually don’t really want to happen. They just want to be told what to do. Winners, on the other hand, don’t wait for anything; they go out and make things happen.

– Don’t worry about what other people think. Worry about what you think and how you feel. If you truly believe in something then the world will eventually catch up with you.

– If you want to be rich and successful then you must think like a millionaire.


You must always…

Believe in yourself! If you don’t then no one else will.