Embrace being a man

Being a man is a challenge. It's hard. But when you are born into this world a boy, you are biologically wired a certain way. The more we can embrace this the happier we will be. This was something that really clicked for me about 4 years ago. Prior to that, I was a motivated person. I was fairly athletic growing up. I exercised pretty decently compared to others, but I also could barely hang a picture. One of the biggest reasons it took me a while to get to where I am today is because I spent 7 years…


What’s Most Important?

What's most important? The million-dollar question. Let me tell you a little bit about what I've learned. We are living in an artificial life as natural living breathing species. Here's what that means:   In a capitalistic world, we have built a place around money. This means that everything is built for consumption. To try and get you to work hard, to buy more, and to live a certain way. Although I believe in capitalism I think that for our mental health we need to be aware of this. Do not let the world around you consume you. Find ways…


2021 is over…2022 nothing is different only better

Good morning world! I write this on the first Monday of 2022. I can't tell you how excited I am for the year ahead. Big things are going to happen this year. I can feel it. 2021 was definitely in line for one of the hardest years of my life. I started the year, 4 months into being a Dad. I remember having my review at work and telling the person who was giving me my review that I pray every day that the company is willing to appreciate what we have just overcome in 2020. That we could have…


Alex Wells The Thought Process

Sept 4, 1989...the time was 11:32 pm. That was the day I was born. The day that I woke up in this world. The day that started my life. Life is just such a blessing. Do you ever sit back and think to yourself how much you love life? I do. I think about it all the time. This is the thought process. You have to practice gratitude. Regardless of anything that has gone on in my life I recognize how precious life truly is. Sure, I have had moments where I have hated life just like anyone else, but…