Alex Wells The Thought Process

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Sept 4, 1989…the time was 11:32 pm.

That was the day I was born. The day that I woke up in this world. The day that started my life.

Life is just such a blessing. Do you ever sit back and think to yourself how much you love life? I do. I think about it all the time. This is the thought process.

You have to practice gratitude.

Regardless of anything that has gone on in my life I recognize how precious life truly is. Sure, I have had moments where I have hated life just like anyone else, but it comes back around. I think about the sun, the grass, the water, the mountains, the sky, and all the natural beauty there is in this world around me. That isn’t the case for everyone. That isn’t something that all people get to wake up to every day. There are people out there who wake up to a disaster. No trees, no blue sky, no clean water, and hope they can make it through each day instead of being handed such an amazing opportunity. I recognize that. I refuse to be nieve by the fact that I go to bed in a bed, with a pillow, and with a full belly.

We forget the little luxuries and sometimes we blow things up so much that we feel like we don’t have enough like we haven’t done enough. You need to stop for a second and think about what is going on in the world. You can find blessings if you look for them.

What do you do to practice gratitude?

If you aren’t sure, then I encourage you to do one of these things.

  1. Find silence
  2. Journal
  3. Read a good book
  4. Exercise
  5. Get outside

Sometimes you can get a few of these together in a combo. You must give yourself at least one of these consistently.

The world around us is a constant distraction. It is made to distract us. To keep us from thinking like the primitive version of ourselves. To think that we are righteous and that we have a conscience. Between the constant stimulation of everything and the stress of having to keep up, we get so far away from our natural state. So far away from being the most basic version of what it means to be a human. The most basic version of what it is to be human is to survive.

Think about that for a minute?

It is so easy for us to survive we forget about it. We allow all of these things to become such a big part of what we are worried about. If you don’t have enough to do you will find something to worry about.

Now take some time to spend with yourself. To get away from it all. To get back to a natural state. I promise you that if you demand this out of yourself you are one step in the right direction.