What’s Most Important?

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What’s most important?

The million-dollar question.

Let me tell you a little bit about what I’ve learned.

We are living in an artificial life as natural living breathing species.

Here’s what that means:


  1. In a capitalistic world, we have built a place around money. This means that everything is built for consumption. To try and get you to work hard, to buy more, and to live a certain way. Although I believe in capitalism I think that for our mental health we need to be aware of this. Do not let the world around you consume you. Find ways to tap into the natural part of your being.
  2. Be active. We were meant to be active. We were not meant to sit all day. We were not meant to be inside all the time. Go get sun. Go get air. Move your body. It is nearly impossible to be depressed when you are moving.
  3. Eat real food. Don’t get me wrong, I love some fast food. I love frozen pizza, sweets and just about anything that is not good for you, but you need to consume more good than bad. Try the 80/20 rule. 80% of all the food you consume should be real natural food. We were built for this. Think about it.
  4. Community. You need relationships. You need support. You need love and you need socialization. We naturally travel in herds. Don’t fight it. Build a community.
  5. Relaxation is overrated. We are hunters and gatherers. If you ever feel anxious it usually has more to do with who you naturally are than an actual problem. We have luxurious lives full of comfort. Progress is more rewarding than comfort.


Think about it folks. I hope that helps you in the days ahead.